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“Antioch has over 115,000 residents, one-third of whom are children under the age of 18. Every day, we fail young people when we don’t actively engage as a city in helping them navigate adolescence in healthy ways.”

-Lamar Thorpe

Youth Services and Programs

Youth services and programs are areas where Councilman Lamar Thorpe has made a tremendous difference in Antioch. Our community should be a regional leader in supporting youth development and keeping children out of trouble and engaged in school. Our local schools need more resources, and our students and families need options for before and after school activities.

Lamar Thorpe has a proven track record in fighting to expand youth services. As an elected official in Antioch, Councilman Thorpe:

  • Co-authored, along with Councilwoman Monica Wilson-District 4 a measure that was overwhelmingly passed by Antioch residents to invest additional funding in youth programs. 

  • Proposed and led the city’s Youth Services Task Force Ad Hoc Committee, charged with identifying the need and possibilities for youth services in Antioch.

  • Co-authored the proposal to develop Antioch’s first youth services manager reporting directly to the city manager (passed by a 4/1 vote). 

  • Fought to invest over $2 million to develop new youth services and recreational programs in the city against attempts by the police union and Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock to prevent funding youth programs.

As Mayor, Lamar Thorpe understands our fight for our children isn’t over. Thorpe’s plan includes:

  • Transforming our empty community center into a world-class youth development center. 

  • Reducing the cost of youth recreational activities, including water park fees, with a special emphasis on families who qualify for free and reduced lunch programs. 

  • Increasing access to before- and after-school activities for middle school children. 

  • Supporting local efforts to reduce Antioch’s elementary school truancy rate, which is the highest in Contra Costa County.

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