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Homelessness and Blight

Lamar Thorpe has worked hard with Councilwoman Joy Motts-District 1 to find solutions to ending homelessness and reducing encampments. He participated in the county’s annual Homeless Count, volunteered with several nonprofit and religious organizations to provide groceries, and advocated for funding to expand homeless services in East Contra Costa County.

As an elected official in Antioch, Councilman Lamar Thorpe:

  • Co-led the Antioch Homeless Encampment Task Force charged with a fact-finding mission that involved multiple workshops, meetings with stakeholders, and briefings from subject-matter experts in an attempt to identify problems and solutions.

  • Fought to double the size of the City's Code Enforcement Team and increase the size of the blight abatement crew.

  • Led the establishment of a City Homeless Services Fund, including an unprecedented half-million-dollar investment to combat homelessness locally. 

  • Authored the proposal to establish Antioch’s first unhoused resident coordinator position to address the needs associated with the housing crisis and homeless encampments (passed by a 3/2 vote). 

  • Voted to sell city property to Contra Costa County for $1 for the construction of a state of the art homeless services center

  • Voted to approve an almost 400-unit affordable senior and family apartment complex

  • Co-authored the Bridge Housing proposal to lease a hotel in order to house people living in encampments throughout the city (passed by a 3/2 vote).

As Mayor, Lamar Thorpe will keep fighting to reduce homelessness and blight in Antioch. His plan includes:

  • Tripling the size of Antioch’s Code Enforcement staff.

  • Continuing to implement Homeless Encampment Task Force recommendations. 

  • Completing work on the Bridge Housing proposal, including a feasibility study, community engagement, and identifying homeless services providers for wrap-around support.

  • Finding a location for five trailers donated by the state of California for families experiencing homelessness.

  • Using emergency reserve funding, which currently sits at over $20 million to assist in alleviating the homeless crisis (especially during the COVID-19 pandemic).

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